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European Union
Europäische Parteien
*Founding statesEuropean Union AgenciesActing heads of government in the European UnionEU Commissioner 2014-2019EU Commissioner 2019-2024EU Commissioner 2024-2029EUREKAEuropean intervention initiativeEuropean partiesEuropean Central BankEuropean CouncilEuropean Court of AuditorsEuropean ParliamentEuropean lawCommon security and defense policyCourt of Justice of the European UnionHistory of the European UnionMember States of the European UnionSupreme Court of the Member States of the EUParliaments of the Member States of the EUPresident of the European CommissionPresident of the European ParliamentPresident of the European CouncilCouncil of the European UnionConstitution of the EU Member StatesTreaty on European UnionPresidency of the Council of the European Union
Europa der Nationen und der Freiheit,ENF/Europe of Nations and Freedom
Europäische Konservative und Reformer,EKR/European Conservatives and Reformists
Konföderale Fraktion der Vereinten Europäischen Linken/Nordische Grüne Linke/European United Left–Nordic Green Left
Die Grünen | Europäische Freie Allianz /Greens–European Free Alliance
Europäische Demokratische Partei/European Democratic Party EDP
Europäische Volkspartei,EVP/Parti populaire européen,PPE/European People´s Party,EPP
Christdemokraten, Konservative
Sozialdemokratische Partei Europas,PSE/Party of European Socialists,PES
Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten für Europa,ALDE/Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe group